| Each year a Yearbook is published in which an account is given of the work of the Court during the period from 1 August of the preceding year to 31 July of the current year. It provides information on the Court’s judicial activities, organization and jurisdiction, together with the procedure that it follows. This publication, previously produced in two editions (one in English (Yearbook) and one in French (Annuaire)), is now published in a single, bilingual edition. The latest Yearbook covering the period from 1 August 2021 to 31 July 2022, is the seventy-sixth in this annual series, which started with the Yearbook 1946‑1947.
Series entitled Annuaire-Yearbook, official citation: e.g. C.I.J. Annuaire-I.C.J. Yearbook 2021-2022.