Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders
Extension of time-limits: Reply and Rejoinder
Fixing of time-limit: Written statement of observations and submissions on preliminary objections
Fixing of time-limits: Presentation of written statements
Suspension of proceedings
Extension of time-limit: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
Extension of time-limit: Rejoinder
Fixing of time-limits: Counter-Memorial
Fixing of time-limit: Counter-Memorial
Preliminary objections raised by Azerbaijan
Preliminary objections raised by Armenia
Extension of time-limit: Counter-Memorial
Fixing of time-limit: Counter-Memorial
Fixing of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
Fixing of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
Fixing of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
Admissibility of the declarations of intervention
Fixing of time-limits: Reply and Rejoinder
Extension of time-limits: Presentation of written comments on the written statements
Fixing of time-limits: Reply and Rejoinder
Request for the modification of the Order of 28 March 2024 indicating provisional measures
Request for the indication of provisional measures
Fixing of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
Request for the modification of the Order of 26 January 2024 indicating provisional measures
Fixing of time-limit: Counter-Memorial
Preliminary objections
Fixing of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
Extension of time-limits: Presentation of the written statements and written comments on those statements
Extension of time-limit: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
Request for the indication of provisional measures
Request for the indication of provisional measures
Fixing of time-limits: Presentation of the written statements and written comments on those statements
Fixing of time-limits: Reply and Rejoinder
Fixing of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
Fixing of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
Extension of time-limit: Rejoinder
Extension of time-limits: Written statements and written comments on those statements
Request for the modification of the Order of 22 February 2023 indicating a provisional measure
Admissibility of the Declarations of Intervention
Extension of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
Extension of time-limit: Counter-Memorial
Fixing of time-limit: Written statement of observations and submissions on preliminary objections
Fixing of time-limit: Written statement of observations and submissions on preliminary objections
Fixing of Time-limits: Presentation of the written statements and written comments on those statements
Extension of time-limit: Counter-Memorial
Fixing of time-limit: Counter-Memorial
Preliminary objection
Request for the indication of provisional measures
Request for the indication of provisional measures
Extending of time-limit: Rejoinder
Fixing of time-limits: Presentation of the written statements and written comments on those statements
Fixing of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
Extension of time-limit: Rejoinder
Fixing of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
Merits, including counter-claims of Bolivia
Withdrawal of the Request for the indication of provisional measures
Extension of time-limits: Reply and Rejoinder
Request for the modification of the Order of 7 December 2021 indicating provisional measures
Fixing of time-limit: Written statement of observations and submissions on preliminary objections
Decision on the organization of the public hearings
Fixing of time-limit: Counter-Memorial
Preliminary objections
Fixing of time-limits: Reply and Rejoinder
Fixing of time-limit: Written statement of observations and submissions on preliminary objections
Fixing of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
Withdrawal of the Request for the indication of provisional measures
Fixing of time-limits: Reply and Rejoinder
Extension of time-limit: Reply and Rejoinder
Fixing of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
Request for the indication of provisional measures
Fixing of time-limits: Reply and Rejoinder
Fixing of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial
Fixing of time-limits: Memorial and Counter-Memorial